The Dead Twin explores a sense of alienation experienced by many immigrant families, particularly those who've fled from war. Migrants are invigorated by fresh opportunities that are available in a new country, and yet they are often still haunted by their previous identity. The intention is for the play’s themes of trauma & suppressed cultural identity to resonate with our audiences.
The script borrows from the horror-film genre to explore inherited trauma in a way that connects with a pop-culture audience. Specifically, it investigates the ‘diasporic uncanny’ through the use of twins/doubles/the dislocated self/the path not taken, as twins are frequently symbols of both ‘union’ and ‘separation’.
It is influenced by Marianne Hirsch’s concept of postmemory, which “describes the relationship of the second generation to powerful, often traumatic, experiences that preceded their births but that were nevertheless transmitted to them so deeply as to seem to constitute memories in their own right.” The Dead Twin evokes the terror of being haunted by those we left behind.
13 - 22 August 2015, FCAC: info & ticket
More information and Enquiry: Chi Vu